Fern Ferns normally grow in substantial sunlight. They are a favorite food of herbivores and omnivores. They spread seeds and then die in the fall and grow back in the spring
Moss Moss comes in many different forms and colors, i.e. lichen and peat moss. It is often seen growing on rocks. Moss is normally very moist, thus making a hazard for hikers due to its slipperiness.
Maple Trees Maple trees come in many variants and forms, like Sugar Maples, Norway Maples, Red Maple, Japanese and Silver Maple. Maple is a hard wood. Sugar Maple sap is used by many humans to make maple sugar and syrup. Maple Trees are deciduous. (They lose their leaves annually.)
Grass If there were not alfalfa, (a form of grass) in the summer farmers would not be able to make hay. (Hay is often fed to cattle.) They would not be able to graze cows either. Some people are actually allergic to grass. Grass often grows on the forest floor.
Ummmm! Blueberries come in two different forms: low bush and high bush (small trees). Blueberries are edible and are sold in many stores for human consumption.
Strawberries Strawberries grow in patches. They range from big to small. Many animals, humans especially, eat them. Many birds eat strawberries for a daily nutritious snack.
Lily Pads Lily pads grow in small bodies of water i.e. ponds, lakes, and small streams in the Temperate Deciduous Forest. Water depths need to be fairly shallow, so that sunlight can reach the roots. The roots grow up from the earth beneath the water surface. At the top of the root is the actual lily pad, which you most often see floating on top of the water.
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